Growth Mindset

How to Get into a Growth Mindset


Have you ever wondered how some people can believe amazing things about themselves and make it so? How they can open their minds to new ideals or take on challenges with ease? These people are life-long learners of the world. They see opportunity in ideas that are different than their own.


We call this growth mindset.


You’ve heard the saying, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” Mindset is what you think of yourself and your situation. People can believe they are “smart” or “stupid.” They can believe they “can” or “can’t” do something. You can have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset.


About Growth Mindset


In a growth mindset, people believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. They develop a love for learning and are resilient at the face of adversity. They put in the effort to achieve the things they desire and learn from criticism. They believe they can do more, be more, learn more, and turn obstacles into opportunities. They uplift others and have an opportunistic view of the world. Their motto is, “If you believe you can, you will.”

By deliberately practicing having a growth mindset, you will see how your world can change from depressing and lackluster to positive and amazing. Having an optimistic view can literally change how you feel about everything. Knowing the value of changing yourself for the better can open up a whole new world for you – one full of possibilities.


The Opposite of Growth Mindset


The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. People will make up excuses why they can or can’t do something and will rationalize their failures. They avoid challenges, give up easily, don’t put in the effort to achieve things they desire, and feel threatened by others’ success. They often have a bleak view of reality and can really bring others down to their level.

Believing that your qualities are carved in stone and there’s no way to change them can be devastating to your soul. Why wouldn’t you want the best for yourself? If you are stuck in a rut, why would you want to stay there? This is what a fixed mindset looks like, and it’s not very promising to those who are “set in their ways” or for the people who know they could have more.


There are no great achievements without setbacks. It’s how you handle those hindrances that set you apart. To learn how to acknowledge imperfections in yourself and others without assigning blame will allow you to have fulfilling relationships and a life that you enjoy.

It’s important for you to determine whether you will be someone who constantly judges others and tears themselves down, or if you will be a person of light and willing to put in the effort to expand your mind and enrich your life and those in proximity.

Having a growth mindset may be the single most important thing for you to have in order to be your best self ever. So, mastering a growth mindset depends strongly on one more key factor and that is how to become self reliant in the process.

Let’s look at Self Reliance next and how it becomes the finishing touch in your journey.


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