Life Purpose


Finding your Purpose in Life


Many believe that life purpose arises from your special gifts and talents. But this is only part of the equation. Purpose also develops from our connection to others. Your purpose lies in between what you love and what people need.

It can grow out of suffering— your own as well as other’s. It can be nurtured from certain emotions like awe and gratitude. It can sprout from joining a community of like-minded individuals. You can find your purpose in the most obvious of places or the most obscure. It may take years to find it, but once you do, you’ll know it.


Having a purpose in life is more than just a passion.


It’s more than being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s the reason you get out of bed every day. It’s the unique gifts you have developed, your attitude, and your experiences.

Some of us have trouble finding our purpose. Very few people grow up knowing exactly what they want in life. Or maybe their purpose changes courses and develops into a different purpose. Or a person can just simply lose sight of it.

We can be blinded by the expectations of others, like parents and role models, who may see our potential, but encourage us to go a different route.

We can lose sight of our purpose by seeking validation such as money, praise and status. By climbing the corporate or social ladders, we may find justification for doing what we are doing, but it may not be as fulfilling.

By comparing yourself to others, you are avoiding your purpose in this life. Remember, the grass could be greener because that person has a sewage leak, or they’re too busy caring for their yard to notice yours needs attention. Maybe their purpose is gardening and that’s not your area of expertise.

Even though some of us may be wayward in finding our purpose, it’s not dressed up as the White Rabbit leading you down the rabbit hole (even though it feels that way sometimes.) You just need a little reassurance and some guidance to find the right path.


To find your life purpose, you must do some soul searching.


You can ask yourself these questions to get started:

What would you do if you never had to earn another dollar? (How would you spend your time if you didn’t have to “work?”)

What would you choose to do even when it was hard?  (Every aspect of life has its hardships, what could you bear to do and still love it afterward?)

What did you love doing as a child? (Our inner child sometimes knows us better.)

What are you afraid of being judged?

What makes you angry?

What makes you happy?

Once you’ve written your answers, see if there is a common theme. There are going to be clues in these answers that will point you in the right direction. You’ll have a deep emotional reaction to some of them. And if you can’t stop thinking about those answers in the days to come, you’ve quite possibly found your purpose.

Once you’ve decided on your mission, you’ll need a plan to realize it. Some people enjoy making vision boards or meditating or praying on it. Start small, gradually work up to your purpose. Learn the skills it will take to make you successful in fulfilling your purpose. Find a way to stay inspired.

Don’t give up on yourself. Discovering your reason for living can be a daunting task, but if it’s passion you seek, it’s passion you’ll find. Once you determine your life purpose, the next logical step in the process is learning how to establish a growth mindset so your life’s work will begin to flourish.

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